Your security is in good hands.

Security Camera Systems is the short name of the systems called 'Closed Circuit TV system' in Turkish, which consists of the initials of English words, and basically started to be developed for the purpose of monitoring cameras and closed circuit video signals from those cameras through a monitor. At first, CCTV security camera systems, or 'Video Surveillance systems' as they are called today, did not have the ability to record, but only the instant images carried from the cameras to the monitoring point by cables could be monitored. In the following periods, their use has become widespread thanks to the development of recording and camera image storage technologies, video management and analysis software and other system components.

Closed Circuit Television, abbreviated as CCTV, means Closed Circuit Television in Turkish. Unlike normal publicly broadcast television, CCTV images are usually transmitted to a limited number of monitors. CCTV technology was first developed in 1942 by German scientists to monitor V2 rockets. Since 1942, CCTV technologies have changed dramatically. While these technologies once offered users the ability to watch live images, they have evolved into a recording system that allows data to be both viewed and stored. As a result, CCTV technology has been used for security purposes and has evolved into a comprehensive video surveillance technology.

Home security: Homes with security cameras are much less likely to be burglarized and vandalized than homes without them. Although CCTV cameras do nothing physically to prevent crime, homeowners use them to keep their families safe and to deter criminals from breaking into their homes. One of the different purposes of using CCTV cameras in homes is as a nanny cam. Mothers and fathers who want to see how their houseworkers spend their time and who also have to stay away from their homes and children at certain times are assured that their children are safe and in good hands with these security cameras during the time they are not at home and they can leave home with peace of mind.

Business surveillance: Businesses use CCTV technology as a deterrent against crime, but also for many other reasons. Banks, restaurants, retail outlets, museums and offices often have cash on hand, so there is always the possibility of theft. Because of these possibilities, business owners place security cameras at strategic points where their safes are located and where the safes will be visible. At the same time, businesses use CCTV cameras to monitor employees and see if they are using their working hours efficiently.

Traffic monitoring: Security cameras are used to monitor traffic at intersections and on busy roads. The presence of surveillance cameras at these locations can detect drivers who run red lights, speed or drive recklessly, preventing more serious offenses that could occur elsewhere and ensuring that drivers who do not obey the rules are punished.

How Does CCTV Technology Work?

There are two types of security camera systems, analog and IP.

Analog security systems

In order to use analog security systems, transmission cables must be used in the analog camera and these transmission cables are connected to a digital video recorder (DVR) to make the system work. The digital video recorder receives the video from the camera and compresses it. It stores it on a hard drive so that it can be viewed or looked at later if needed.

IP security systems

IP systems are a bit more complex and can be more expensive than analog systems. But when you look at the possibilities it offers, it becomes clear that the cost is negligible. In IP security systems, the camera does all the work of a digital video recorder, including compressing, converting and streaming the video over an internet connection. Obviously, a DVR is not required and the video can be streamed directly to a personal computer.

Comparison of CCTV Cameras and IP Cameras

CCTV cameras transmit video using coaxial or UTP cabling, while IP cameras transmit video using POE (Power Over Ethernet) technology.

CCTV cameras physically record the video on a digital video recorder, while IP cameras send the video over the internet.

CCTV cameras require all video to be in one location, whereas IP cameras do not require all video to be in one location.

CCTV cameras have a lower resolution while IP cameras have a high resolution ratio.

IP cameras broadcast video as a digital stream, while CCTV cameras use television broadcast signals.

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